Key Takeaway

  • SaaS SEO is the application of SEO principles and techniques to SaaS websites, which offer software as a service online.
  • SaaS SEO is important because it can help SaaS businesses attract more organic traffic, leads, and customers, reduce their customer acquisition cost, increase their customer lifetime value, and build their brand awareness and authority.
  • SaaS SEO is different from other types of SEO because it has to account for the SaaS buyer journey, the SaaS marketing funnel, and the SaaS keywords that match each stage of the funnel. SaaS SEO also has to deal with the higher and more variable competition, the lower and more delayed conversion rate, and the longer and more complex buyer journey that SaaS businesses face.
  • SaaS SEO involves four main components: keyword research, on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and SEO metrics. Each component has its own best practices and strategies, and requires different tools and methods to execute and optimize.
  • SaaS SEO is not a one-time project, but rather an ongoing and evolving process that requires constant monitoring, analysis, and optimization. SaaS SEO can be challenging and complex, but also rewarding and profitable, if done right.


If you are a SaaS business owner or marketer, you know how competitive and challenging the SaaS industry is. You have to constantly innovate, deliver value, and acquire new customers in a crowded and dynamic market.

One of the most effective and sustainable ways to grow your SaaS business is through SEO (search engine optimization). SEO is the process of improving your website’s visibility and relevance for search engines and users. SEO can help you attract more organic traffic, leads, and customers to your SaaS website, without spending a fortune on paid ads.

But how do you do SEO for SaaS? Is it different from other types of SEO? What are the best practices and strategies to follow in 2024 and beyond?

What Is SaaS SEO?

SaaS SEO is the application of SEO principles and techniques to SaaS websites. SaaS websites are those that offer software as a service, which means that users can access and use the software online, without downloading or installing anything on their devices.

SaaS SEO aims to optimize the SaaS website for both search engines and users, by improving its technical, content, and link aspects. SaaS SEO also involves understanding the SaaS buyer journey, the SaaS marketing funnel, and the SaaS keywords that match each stage of the funnel.

The ultimate goal of SaaS SEO is to increase the organic visibility, traffic, and conversions of the SaaS website, and to build trust and authority in the SaaS niche.

Why SEO Is Important for SaaS Businesses

SEO is important for SaaS businesses for several reasons. Here are some of the main benefits of SEO for SaaS companies:

  • SEO can help you reach your target audience. According to Statista, the global SaaS market is expected to reach $272 billion by 2024, which means that there is a huge demand and potential for SaaS products and services. However, this also means that there is a lot of competition and noise in the SaaS space. SEO can help you stand out from the crowd and reach your ideal customers who are searching for solutions like yours on Google and other search engines.
  • SEO can help you generate more qualified leads and customers. SEO can help you attract more organic traffic to your SaaS website, which is usually more relevant and engaged than paid traffic. SEO can also help you optimize your website for conversions, by creating compelling and persuasive content, landing pages, and calls to action that match the intent and needs of your visitors. SEO can also help you nurture your leads and customers through email marketing, remarketing, and content marketing, which can increase your retention and loyalty rates.
  • SEO can help you reduce your customer acquisition cost (CAC). CAC is the amount of money you spend to acquire a new customer, which is one of the most important metrics for SaaS businesses. According to ProfitWell, the average CAC for SaaS companies is $395, which is quite high. SEO can help you lower your CAC by reducing your dependence on paid ads, which can be expensive and volatile. SEO can also help you increase your customer lifetime value (LTV), which is the amount of money you earn from a customer over their lifetime, by improving your retention and referral rates. SEO can help you achieve a positive CAC/LTV ratio, which is essential for the profitability and sustainability of your SaaS business.
  • SEO can help you build your brand awareness and authority. SEO can help you establish your SaaS brand as a credible and trustworthy source of information and solutions in your niche. SEO can help you rank higher for relevant and competitive keywords, which can increase your exposure and visibility on search engines. SEO can also help you earn more backlinks, social shares, and reviews, which can boost your reputation and influence in your industry. SEO can help you create a loyal and engaged fan base, which can lead to more word-of-mouth and organic growth.

How Is SaaS SEO Different?

SaaS SEO is different from other types of SEO in several ways. Here are some of the main differences and challenges that SaaS SEO faces:

  • SaaS SEO has a longer and more complex buyer journey. SaaS buyers are usually more informed and sophisticated than other types of buyers, as they have to make a high-involvement and high-risk decision. SaaS buyers also have to go through multiple stages of awareness, consideration, and decision before they become customers. SaaS SEO has to account for these stages and create content and strategies that match each stage and move the buyers along the funnel.
  • SaaS SEO has a higher and more variable competition. SaaS SEO has to compete with not only other SaaS websites, but also other types of websites, such as blogs, forums, review sites, directories, media outlets, and more. SaaS SEO also has to deal with the constant changes and innovations in the SaaS industry, which can affect the demand and supply of SaaS products and services. SaaS SEO has to monitor and adapt to these changes and keep up with the latest trends and best practices in the SaaS space.
  • SaaS SEO has a lower and more delayed conversion rate. SaaS SEO has to deal with the fact that SaaS conversions are usually lower and slower than other types of conversions, as SaaS buyers need more time and information to make a purchase decision. SaaS SEO also has to deal with the fact that SaaS conversions are not one-time events, but rather recurring and ongoing processes, as SaaS customers need to renew and upgrade their subscriptions over time. SaaS SEO has to measure and optimize not only the initial conversions, but also the retention and expansion conversions, which can be more challenging and complex.

SaaS SEO and the Marketing Funnel

One of the key aspects of SaaS SEO is understanding the SaaS marketing funnel and how it relates to SEO. The SaaS marketing funnel is a model that describes the stages that SaaS buyers go through before they become customers. The SaaS marketing funnel typically consists of three main stages: top-of-the-funnel (TOFU), middle-of-the-funnel (MOFU), and bottom-of-the-funnel (BOFU).

Each stage of the funnel has a different goal and requires a different type of content and strategy. SaaS SEO has to create and optimize content and strategies that match each stage and move the buyers along the funnel. Here is a brief overview of each stage and how SaaS SEO can address it:

Top-of-the-Funnel Keywords for SaaS

The top-of-the-funnel (TOFU) stage is the first stage of the SaaS marketing funnel, where the buyers are not aware of their problem or your solution. The goal of this stage is to attract and educate the buyers and make them aware of their problem and your solution.

The type of content and strategy that SaaS SEO should use at this stage are:

  • Content: The content at this stage should be informative, engaging, and relevant to the buyer’s pain points, challenges, and goals. The content should also introduce your SaaS product or service as a possible solution, but without being too salesy or pushy. The content formats that work well at this stage are blog posts, ebooks, guides, white papers, infographics, videos, podcasts, webinars, and more.
  • Strategy: The strategy at this stage should be to target keywords that have high search volume, low competition, and low intent. These keywords are usually broad, generic, and informational, such as “what is saas”, “saas benefits”, “saas vs on-premise”, “saas examples”, “saas trends”, and more. These keywords can help you rank higher on search engines and drive more organic traffic to your website. You should also optimize your content for user experience, readability, and shareability, and include clear and compelling calls to action that invite the buyers to learn more about your SaaS product or service.

Middle-of-the-Funnel Keywords for SaaS

The middle-of-the-funnel (MOFU) stage is the second stage of the SaaS marketing funnel, where the buyers are aware of their problem and your solution, but are not ready to buy yet. The goal of this stage is to nurture and persuade the buyers and make them consider your SaaS product or service as the best solution for their problem.

The type of content and strategy that SaaS SEO should use at this stage are:

  • Content: The content at this stage should be more detailed, specific, and relevant to the buyer’s needs, preferences, and objections. The content should also showcase your SaaS product or service as the best solution, by highlighting its features, benefits, advantages, and differentiators.
  • Strategy: The strategy at this stage should be to target keywords that have medium search volume, medium competition, and medium intent. These keywords are usually more specific, niche, and evaluative, such as “saas seo best practices”, “saas seo tools”, “saas seo vs ecommerce seo”, “saas seo agency”, “saas seo platform”, and more. These keywords can help you rank higher for more relevant and qualified searches and drive more organic traffic to your website. You should also optimize your content for conversions, by creating landing pages, forms, and offers that capture the buyer’s contact information and permission to follow up with them. You should also use email marketing, remarketing, and content marketing to nurture and educate the buyers and move them closer to the purchase decision.

Bottom-of-the-Funnel Keywords for SaaS

The bottom-of-the-funnel (BOFU) stage is the third and final stage of the SaaS marketing funnel, where the buyers are ready to buy your SaaS product or service. The goal of this stage is to convert and delight the buyers and make them loyal and happy customers.
The type of content and strategy that SaaS SEO should use at this stage are:

  • Content: The content at this stage should be more personalized, customized, and relevant to the buyer’s situation, goals, and expectations. The content should also provide clear and compelling reasons to buy your SaaS product or service, by addressing the buyer’s pain points, objections, and questions. The content formats that work well at this stage are FAQs, pricing pages, terms and conditions, contracts, invoices, thank you pages, welcome emails, onboarding guides, and more.
  • Strategy: The strategy at this stage should be to target keywords that have low search volume, high competition, and high intent. These keywords are usually very specific, branded, and transactional, such as “buy saas seo”, “saas seo pricing”, “saas seo free trial”, “saas seo coupon code”, “saas seo sign up”, and more. These keywords can help you rank higher for the most profitable and conversion-ready searches and drive more organic traffic to your website. You should also optimize your content for retention, by providing excellent customer service, support, and feedback, and by offering incentives, rewards, and referrals that encourage the buyers to renew and upgrade their subscriptions and to recommend your SaaS product or service to others.

Keyword Research For SaaS Companies

Keyword research is the process of finding and analyzing the words and phrases that your target audience uses to search for your SaaS product or service on search engines. Keyword research is the foundation of SaaS SEO, as it helps you understand the intent, needs, and behavior of your potential customers, and create content and strategies that match them.

Keyword research for SaaS companies is different from other types of keyword research, as it has to account for the SaaS buyer journey, the SaaS marketing funnel, and the SaaS keywords that match each stage of the funnel. Keyword research for SaaS companies also has to consider the following factors:

  • The SaaS niche and industry. SaaS companies operate in various niches and industries, such as CRM, accounting, marketing, education, healthcare, and more. Each niche and industry has its own terminology, jargon, and trends, which affect the way the buyers search for SaaS products and services. Keyword research for SaaS companies has to identify and use the keywords that are relevant and popular in their niche and industry, and avoid the keywords that are irrelevant or outdated.
  • The SaaS product or service category. SaaS products and services can be categorized into different types, such as horizontal, vertical, functional, industry-specific, enterprise, and more. Each type of SaaS product or service has its own characteristics, features, benefits, and challenges, which affect the way the buyers search for SaaS products and services. Keyword research for SaaS companies has to identify and use the keywords that are appropriate and specific to their SaaS product or service type, and avoid the keywords that are too broad or generic.
  • The SaaS product or service name and brand. SaaS products and services usually have unique and distinctive names and brands, such as Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoom, Slack, and more. These names and brands can be used as keywords by the buyers who are familiar with or interested in them, or by the competitors who want to compare or contrast them. Keyword research for SaaS companies has to identify and use the keywords that include their SaaS product or service name and brand, and avoid the keywords that are confusing or misleading.

To conduct keyword research for SaaS companies, you can use various tools and methods, such as:

  • Google Keyword Planner. Google Keyword Planner is a free tool that allows you to find and analyze keywords for your SaaS website. You can enter your SaaS product or service name, category, niche, or industry, and get a list of related keywords, along with their search volume, competition, and bid range. You can also filter and sort the keywords by various criteria, such as relevance, intent, location, language, and more. Google Keyword Planner can help you find and select the keywords that are most relevant and profitable for your SaaS website.
  • Google Search Console. Google Search Console is a free tool that allows you to monitor and improve your SaaS website’s performance on Google search. You can access the Search Analytics report, which shows you the keywords that your SaaS website ranks for, along with their impressions, clicks, click-through rate, and position. You can also filter and segment the keywords by various criteria, such as query, page, device, country, and more. Google Search Console can help you find and optimize the keywords that are already driving traffic and conversions to your SaaS website.
  • Google Trends. Google Trends is a free tool that allows you to explore and compare the popularity and interest of keywords over time and across regions. You can enter your SaaS product or service name, category, niche, or industry, and get a graph that shows you how the search volume and interest of the keywords have changed over time. You can also compare the keywords with other keywords, and see the related topics and queries that are trending. Google Trends can help you find and use the keywords that are current and relevant for your SaaS website.

On-Page SEO For SaaS Companies

On-page SEO is the process of optimizing the elements of your SaaS website that are within your control, such as the content, the HTML code, the URL structure, the site speed, the navigation, the design, and more. On-page SEO aims to improve the relevance, quality, and usability of your SaaS website for both search engines and users.

On-page SEO for SaaS companies is different from other types of on-page SEO, as it has to account for the SaaS buyer journey, the SaaS marketing funnel, and the SaaS keywords that match each stage of the funnel. On-page SEO for SaaS companies also has to consider the following factors:

  • The SaaS value proposition and unique selling proposition (USP). SaaS companies have to communicate their value proposition and USP clearly and effectively to their potential customers, as they have to convince them to choose their SaaS product or service over other alternatives. On-page SEO for SaaS companies has to include and highlight their value proposition and USP in their content, titles, headings, meta tags, and calls to action, and make them consistent and coherent across their SaaS website.
  • The SaaS content strategy and content marketing. SaaS companies have to create and distribute valuable, relevant, and engaging content that educates, informs, and persuades their potential customers, and guides them along the SaaS marketing funnel. On-page SEO for SaaS companies has to align their content strategy and content marketing with their keyword research, and create content that matches the intent, needs, and behavior of their target audience. On-page SEO for SaaS companies also has to optimize their content for readability, scannability, and shareability, and use various content formats, such as text, images, videos, audio, and more.
  • The SaaS conversion optimization and user experience (UX). SaaS companies have to optimize their SaaS website for conversions, by creating landing pages, forms, and offers that capture the contact information and permission of their potential customers, and by providing clear and compelling calls to action that invite them to sign up, start a free trial, or buy their SaaS product or service. On-page SEO for SaaS companies also has to optimize their SaaS website for user experience (UX), by improving their site speed, navigation, design, and accessibility, and by providing excellent customer service, support, and feedback.

To conduct on-page SEO for SaaS companies, you can use various tools and methods, such as:

  • Yoast SEO. Yoast SEO is a popular and powerful plugin that allows you to optimize your SaaS website for on-page SEO. You can use Yoast SEO to edit and optimize your titles, meta descriptions, headings, content, images, links, and more, and to get real-time feedback and suggestions on how to improve your on-page SEO. Yoast SEO can also help you create and manage your XML sitemaps, robots.txt files, canonical URLs, breadcrumbs, and more, and to integrate your SaaS website with Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and other tools and platforms.
  • Google PageSpeed Insights. Google PageSpeed Insights is a free tool that allows you to measure and improve the speed and performance of your SaaS website. You can enter your SaaS website URL and get a score and a report that shows you how fast your SaaS website loads on both desktop and mobile devices, and what are the issues and opportunities that affect your site speed. You can also get specific and actionable recommendations on how to fix and optimize your site speed, such as reducing the size and number of your images, scripts, and stylesheets, enabling compression and caching, and using a content delivery network (CDN).
  • Hotjar. Hotjar is a powerful and user-friendly tool that allows you to understand and improve the behavior and experience of your SaaS website visitors. You can use Hotjar to collect and analyze qualitative and quantitative data, such as heatmaps, recordings, surveys, polls, and feedback, and to get insights and feedback on how your visitors interact with your SaaS website, what are their pain points, needs, and expectations, and how you can improve your SaaS website for conversions and UX.

Off-Page SEO For SaaS Companies

Off-page SEO is the process of optimizing the elements of your SaaS website that are outside your control, such as the links, social signals, reviews, and mentions that your SaaS website receives from other websites and sources. Off-page SEO aims to improve the popularity, authority, and trustworthiness of your SaaS website for both search engines and users.

Off-page SEO for SaaS companies is different from other types of off-page SEO, as it has to account for the SaaS buyer journey, the SaaS marketing funnel, and the SaaS keywords that match each stage of the funnel. Off-page SEO for SaaS companies also has to consider the following factors:

  • The SaaS link building and outreach. SaaS companies have to build and earn high-quality and relevant links from other websites and sources that are related to their SaaS product or service, niche, and industry. Links are one of the most important ranking factors for search engines, as they indicate the credibility and relevance of your SaaS website. Off-page SEO for SaaS companies has to create and execute a link building and outreach strategy that involves finding and contacting potential link partners, such as bloggers, influencers, journalists, industry experts, and more, and offering them value, such as guest posts, infographics, case studies, testimonials, and more, in exchange for links to your SaaS website.
  • The SaaS social media and social proof. SaaS companies have to leverage and optimize their social media presence and activity, as social media can help them increase their brand awareness, engagement, and traffic, and influence their potential customers’ decisions. Social media can also provide social proof, which is the phenomenon where people tend to follow the actions and opinions of others, especially when they are uncertain or unfamiliar with something. Off-page SEO for SaaS companies has to create and manage their social media profiles, pages, and groups, and share and promote their content, offers, and events, and encourage their followers, fans, and members to like, comment, share, and review their SaaS product or service.
  • The SaaS reputation and review management. SaaS companies have to monitor and manage their online reputation and reviews, as they can affect their trust and credibility, and influence their potential customers’ perceptions and choices. Online reputation and reviews are the feedback and opinions that your SaaS website receives from your customers and users, as well as from other websites and sources, such as review sites, directories, forums, media outlets, and more. Off-page SEO for SaaS companies has to track and analyze their online reputation and reviews, and respond and address them appropriately, and solicit and incentivize more positive and honest reviews from their satisfied customers and users.

To conduct off-page SEO for SaaS companies, you can use various tools and methods, such as:

  • Ahrefs. Ahrefs is a comprehensive and powerful tool that allows you to analyze and improve your SaaS website’s off-page SEO. You can use Ahrefs to audit and monitor your backlink profile, and to find and fix any issues or opportunities that affect your link quality and quantity. You can also use Ahrefs to research and spy on your competitors’ backlink strategies, and to find and outreach to potential link partners, such as websites that link to your competitors, but not to you, or websites that mention your SaaS product or service, but do not link to you.
  • Buffer. Buffer is a popular and user-friendly tool that allows you to manage and optimize your SaaS website’s social media presence and activity. You can use Buffer to create and schedule your social media posts, and to publish them across multiple social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and more. You can also use Buffer to measure and analyze your social media performance, and to get insights and recommendations on how to improve your social media strategy and results.
  • Trustpilot. Trustpilot is a leading and trusted platform that allows you to collect and display online reviews and ratings for your SaaS product or service. You can use Trustpilot to invite and encourage your customers and users to leave honest and authentic reviews and ratings for your SaaS product or service, and to showcase them on your SaaS website, social media, and other channels. You can also use Trustpilot to monitor and respond to your online reviews and ratings, and to improve your customer service and satisfaction.

SEO Metrics to consider For SaaS Companies Growth

SEO metrics are the data and indicators that measure and evaluate the performance and results of your SaaS website’s SEO efforts. SEO metrics can help you track and analyze your SaaS website’s progress and success, and identify and address any issues or opportunities that affect your SEO goals and outcomes.

SEO metrics for SaaS companies are different from other types of SEO metrics, as they have to account for the SaaS buyer journey, the SaaS marketing funnel, and the SaaS keywords that match each stage of the funnel. SEO metrics for SaaS companies also have to consider the following factors:

  • The SaaS business model and objectives. SaaS companies have different business models and objectives than other types of businesses, as they have to acquire, retain, and expand their customers, and generate recurring and scalable revenue. SEO metrics for SaaS companies have to align and support their business model and objectives, and measure not only the quantity, but also the quality and value of their SEO results.
  • The SaaS customer lifetime value (LTV) and customer acquisition cost (CAC). SaaS companies have to calculate and optimize their customer lifetime value (LTV) and customer acquisition cost (CAC), which are two of the most important metrics for SaaS businesses. LTV is the amount of money you earn from a customer over their lifetime, and CAC is the amount of money you spend to acquire a new customer. SEO metrics for SaaS companies have to measure and improve their LTV and CAC, and achieve a positive and profitable LTV/CAC ratio, which indicates the profitability and sustainability of their SaaS business.
  • The SaaS retention and churn rates. SaaS companies have to monitor and improve their retention and churn rates, which are two of the most critical metrics for SaaS businesses. Retention rate is the percentage of customers who renew and continue their subscriptions, and churn rate is the percentage of customers who cancel and stop their subscriptions. SEO metrics for SaaS companies have to measure and increase their retention rate, and reduce their churn rate, and ensure that they have a loyal and happy customer base, which can lead to more organic and word-of-mouth growth.

To measure and analyze SEO metrics for SaaS companies, you can use various tools and methods, such as:

  • Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a free and powerful tool that allows you to collect and report on your SaaS website’s SEO metrics. You can use Google Analytics to track and analyze various SEO metrics, such as organic traffic, bounce rate, time on site, pages per session, conversions, revenue, and more. You can also segment and filter your SEO metrics by various criteria, such as source, medium, channel, device, location, and more. Google Analytics can help you understand and improve your SaaS website’s SEO performance and results.
  • SEMrush. SEMrush is a comprehensive and popular tool that allows you to audit and optimize your SaaS website’s SEO metrics. You can use SEMrush to monitor and compare your SaaS website’s SEO metrics with your competitors, and to get insights and recommendations on how to improve your SEO strategy and tactics. You can also use SEMrush to research and spy on your competitors’ SEO metrics, such as keywords, backlinks, traffic, rankings, and more. SEMrush can help you gain and maintain a competitive edge in your SaaS niche and industry.
  • Baremetrics. Baremetrics is a specialized and user-friendly tool that allows you to measure and improve your SaaS website’s SEO metrics. You can use Baremetrics to track and analyze various SaaS-specific SEO metrics, such as LTV, CAC, retention rate, churn rate, MRR, ARR, and more. You can also use Baremetrics to forecast and optimize your SaaS website’s SEO metrics, and to get alerts and notifications on any changes or anomalies that affect your SEO goals and outcomes. Baremetrics can help you grow and scale your SaaS business with SEO.

Content Marketing Strategy For SaaS Companies

Content marketing is the process of creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and engaging content that attracts, educates, and persuades your target audience, and guides them along the SaaS marketing funnel. Content marketing is one of the most effective and sustainable ways to grow your SaaS business with SEO, as content is the core and fuel of SEO.

Content marketing for SaaS companies is different from other types of content marketing, as it has to account for the SaaS buyer journey, the SaaS marketing funnel, and the SaaS keywords that match each stage of the funnel. Content marketing for SaaS companies also has to consider the following factors:

  • The SaaS content goals and objectives. SaaS companies have to define and align their content goals and objectives with their SEO goals and objectives, and with their business model and objectives. Content goals and objectives are the specific and measurable outcomes that you want to achieve with your content, such as increasing traffic, leads, customers, revenue, retention, referrals, and more. Content goals and objectives can help you plan and execute your content strategy and tactics, and measure and evaluate your content performance and results.
  • The SaaS content types and formats. SaaS companies have to choose and use the content types and formats that are suitable and effective for their SaaS product or service, niche, and industry, and for their target audience, and for each stage of the SaaS marketing funnel. Content types and formats are the ways and forms that you present and deliver your content, such as text, images, videos, audio, and more. Content types and formats can help you create and optimize your content for SEO, UX, and conversions, and use various content channels, such as your SaaS website, blog, social media, email, and more.
  • The SaaS content topics and ideas. SaaS companies have to generate and select the content topics and ideas that are relevant and interesting for their target audience, and for each stage of the SaaS marketing funnel. Content topics and ideas are the themes and subjects that you cover and explore with your content, such as problems, solutions, trends, tips, best practices, case studies, and more. Content topics and ideas can help you create and distribute your content that matches the intent, needs, and behavior of your potential customers, and that showcases your SaaS product or service as the best solution.

To create and implement a content marketing strategy for SaaS companies, you can use various tools and methods, such as:

  • BuzzSumo. BuzzSumo is a popular and powerful tool that allows you to research and analyze your SaaS website’s content marketing. You can use BuzzSumo to find and discover the most popular and engaging content topics and ideas in your SaaS niche and industry, and to see how they perform on various content channels, such as social media, blogs, news, and more. You can also use BuzzSumo to spy on your competitors’ content marketing strategies, and to find and outreach to potential content partners, such as influencers, bloggers, journalists, and more.
  • CoSchedule Headline Analyzer. CoSchedule Headline Analyzer is a free and user-friendly tool that allows you to create and optimize your SaaS website’s content headlines. You can use CoSchedule Headline Analyzer to enter and test your content headlines, and to get a score and a report that shows you how effective and appealing your headlines are, and what are the issues and opportunities that affect your headline quality and quantity. You can also get specific and actionable suggestions on how to improve your headlines, such as using more power words, emotional words, numbers, and brackets, and making your headlines more clear, concise, and catchy.
  • Grammarly. Grammarly is a popular and helpful tool that allows you to write and edit your SaaS website’s content. You can use Grammarly to check and correct your content for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style errors, and to get feedback and suggestions on how to improve your content quality and clarity. You can also use Grammarly to check and improve your content for tone, voice, and audience, and to avoid plagiarism and duplication. Grammarly can help you create and polish your content for SEO, UX, and conversions.

A 9-Step Plan to Create Your SaaS SEO Strategy

Now that you have learned what SaaS SEO is, why it is important, how it is different, and what are the best practices and strategies to follow, you may be wondering how to create and implement your own SaaS SEO strategy for your business.

To help you with that, we have created a simple and practical 9-step plan that you can follow to create your SaaS SEO strategy. Here are the steps:

  1. Define your SaaS SEO goals and objectives. The first step is to define your SaaS SEO goals and objectives, which are the specific and measurable outcomes that you want to achieve with your SaaS SEO efforts. Your SaaS SEO goals and objectives should align and support your SaaS business model and objectives, and should be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound). For example, your SaaS SEO goals and objectives could be to increase your organic traffic by 50%, your leads by 100%, and your customers by 200% in the next 12 months.
  2. Understand your target audience and buyer personas. The second step is to understand your target audience and buyer personas, which are the profiles and representations of your ideal customers and users. Your target audience and buyer personas should include their demographic, psychographic, and behavioral characteristics, such as their age, gender, location, income, education, interests, goals, challenges, pain points, needs, preferences, objections, questions, and more. You can use various tools and methods to research and create your target audience and buyer personas, such as surveys, interviews, analytics, social media, and more.
  3. Conduct keyword research for your SaaS website. The third step is to conduct keyword research for your SaaS website, which is the process of finding and analyzing the words and phrases that your target audience uses to search for your SaaS product or service on search engines. You can use various tools and methods to conduct keyword research for your SaaS website, such as Google Keyword Planner, Google Search Console, Google Trends, and more. You should also segment and categorize your keywords by the SaaS marketing funnel stages, such as TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU, and by the keyword types, such as informational, evaluative, and transactional.
  4. Create and optimize your SaaS website content. The fourth step is to create and optimize your SaaS website content, which is the process of creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and engaging content that attracts, educates, and persuades your target audience, and guides them along the SaaS marketing funnel. You can use various tools and methods to create and optimize your SaaS website content, such as Yoast SEO, CoSchedule Headline Analyzer, Grammarly, and more. You should also use various content types and formats, such as text, images, videos, audio, and more, and various content channels, such as your SaaS website, blog, social media, email, and more.
  5. Optimize your SaaS website for on-page SEO. The fifth step is to optimize your SaaS website for on-page SEO, which is the process of optimizing the elements of your SaaS website that are within your control, such as the content, the HTML code, the URL structure, the site speed, the navigation, the design, and more. You can use various tools and methods to optimize your SaaS website for on-page SEO, such as Yoast SEO, Google PageSpeed Insights, Hotjar, and more. You should also include and highlight your value proposition and USP, optimize your content for conversions and UX, and create and manage your XML sitemaps, robots.txt files, canonical URLs, breadcrumbs, and more.
  6. Optimize your SaaS website for off-page SEO. The sixth step is to optimize your SaaS website for off-page SEO, which is the process of optimizing the elements of your SaaS website that are outside your control, such as the links, social signals, reviews, and mentions that your SaaS website receives from other websites and sources. You can use various tools and methods to optimize your SaaS website for off-page SEO, such as Ahrefs, Buffer, Trustpilot, and more. You should also create and execute a link building and outreach strategy, leverage and optimize your social media presence and activity, and monitor and manage your online reputation and reviews.
  7. Measure and analyze your SaaS website’s SEO metrics. The seventh step is to measure and analyze your SaaS website’s SEO metrics, which are the data and indicators that measure and evaluate the performance and results of your SaaS website’s SEO efforts. You can use various tools and methods to measure and analyze your SaaS website’s SEO metrics, such as Google Analytics, SEMrush, Baremetrics, and more. You should also track and compare your SaaS website’s SEO metrics with your competitors, and segment and filter your SEO metrics by various criteria, such as source, medium, channel, device, location, and more.
  8. Test and experiment with your SaaS website’s SEO. The eighth step is to test and experiment with your SaaS website’s SEO, which is the process of trying and testing different SEO strategies and tactics, and measuring and evaluating their impact and outcomes. You can use various tools and methods to test and experiment with your SaaS website’s SEO, such as Google Optimize, Optimizely, Unbounce, and more. You should also use various testing and experimentation methods, such as A/B testing, multivariate testing, split testing, and more.
  9. Review and improve your SaaS website’s SEO. The ninth and final step is to review and improve your SaaS website’s SEO, which is the process of reviewing and evaluating your SaaS website’s SEO performance and results, and identifying and addressing any issues or opportunities that affect your SEO goals and objectives. You can use various tools and methods to review and improve your SaaS website’s SEO, such as Google Search Console, Moz, Screaming Frog, and more. You should also use various review and improvement methods, such as audits, reports, feedback, and recommendations.

Get Started with SaaS SEO with Crongenix

SaaS SEO is not a one-time project, but rather an ongoing and evolving process that requires constant monitoring, analysis, and optimization. SaaS SEO can be challenging and complex, but also rewarding and profitable, if done right.

If you want to get started with SaaS SEO, or if you want to improve your existing SaaS SEO, you may need some help and guidance from experts and professionals who know and understand the SaaS industry and the SaaS SEO best practices and strategies.

That’s where we come in. We are Crongenix, a leading and trusted SaaS SEO agency that specializes in helping SaaS businesses grow and scale with SEO. We have the experience, expertise, and tools to help you create and implement a successful SaaS SEO strategy for your business.

We can help you with:

  • SaaS SEO audit and analysis. We can audit and analyze your SaaS website’s current SEO performance and results, and identify and fix any issues or gaps that affect your SEO goals and objectives.
  • SaaS SEO strategy and planning. We can create and execute a customized and comprehensive SaaS SEO strategy and plan for your business, based on your SaaS product or service, niche, industry, target audience, buyer personas, keywords, content, and more.
  • SaaS SEO implementation and optimization. We can implement and optimize your SaaS SEO strategy and plan, by creating and optimizing your SaaS website content, on-page SEO, off-page SEO, SEO metrics, testing and experimentation, and more.
  • SaaS SEO reporting and improvement. We can report and improve your SaaS SEO strategy and plan, by measuring and analyzing your SaaS website’s SEO metrics, testing and experimenting with different SEO strategies and tactics, and providing you with feedback and recommendations on how to improve your SaaS SEO performance and results.

If you are interested in working with us, or if you want to learn more about our SaaS SEO services, please contact us today. We would love to hear from you and help you grow and scale your SaaS business with SEO.

SaaS SEO: Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is SaaS SEO?

SaaS SEO is the application of SEO principles and techniques to SaaS websites. SaaS websites are those that offer software as a service, which means that users can access and use the software online, without downloading or installing anything on their devices.

2. Why is SaaS SEO important?

SaaS SEO is important because it can help SaaS businesses attract more organic traffic, leads, and customers to their SaaS websites, without spending a fortune on paid ads. SaaS SEO can also help SaaS businesses reduce their customer acquisition cost (CAC), increase their customer lifetime value (LTV), and build their brand awareness and authority.

3. How is SaaS SEO different?

SaaS SEO is different from other types of SEO because it has to account for the SaaS buyer journey, the SaaS marketing funnel, and the SaaS keywords that match each stage of the funnel. SaaS SEO also has to deal with the higher and more variable competition, the lower and more delayed conversion rate, and the longer and more complex buyer journey that SaaS businesses face.

4. How to do SaaS SEO?

To do SaaS SEO, you have to follow a SaaS SEO strategy that involves the following steps:

  • Define your SaaS SEO goals and objectives
  • Understand your target audience and buyer personas
  • Conduct keyword research
  • Create and optimize your SaaS website content
  • Optimize your SaaS website for on-page SEO
  • Optimize your SaaS website for off-page SEO
  • Measure and analyze your SaaS website’s SEO metrics
  • Test and experiment with your SaaS website’s SEO
  • Review and improve your SaaS website’s SEO

5. How to measure SaaS SEO success?

To measure SaaS SEO success, you have to track and analyze your SaaS website’s SEO metrics, which are the data and indicators that measure and evaluate the performance and results of your SaaS website’s SEO efforts. You can use various tools and methods to track and analyze your SaaS website’s SEO metrics, such as Google Analytics, SEMrush, Baremetrics, and more. You should also compare your SaaS website’s SEO metrics with your SaaS SEO goals and objectives, and with your competitors, and identify and address any gaps or opportunities that affect your SEO outcomes.

Some of the most important SEO metrics for SaaS companies are:

  • Organic traffic. Organic traffic is the number and percentage of visitors who come to your SaaS website from organic search results, without clicking on any paid ads. Organic traffic is one of the main indicators of your SaaS website’s SEO visibility and relevance, and one of the main sources of your SaaS website’s leads and customers. You should aim to increase your organic traffic by ranking higher for relevant and competitive keywords, and by driving more clicks and engagement from your organic search results.
  • Organic conversions. Organic conversions are the number and percentage of visitors who complete a desired action on your SaaS website, such as signing up, starting a free trial, or buying your SaaS product or service, after coming from organic search results. Organic conversions are one of the main indicators of your SaaS website’s SEO quality and value, and one of the main sources of your SaaS website’s revenue and growth. You should aim to increase your organic conversions by optimizing your SaaS website for conversions, by creating compelling and persuasive content, landing pages, and calls to action, and by providing clear and easy paths to conversion.
  • Customer lifetime value (LTV). Customer lifetime value (LTV) is the amount of money you earn from a customer over their lifetime, which is calculated by multiplying the average revenue per customer by the average customer lifespan. LTV is one of the main indicators of your SaaS website’s SEO profitability and sustainability, and one of the main factors that affect your SaaS website’s growth and scalability. You should aim to increase your LTV by improving your retention and expansion rates, by providing excellent customer service, support, and feedback, and by offering incentives, rewards, and referrals that encourage your customers to renew and upgrade their subscriptions, and to recommend your SaaS product or service to others.
  • Customer acquisition cost (CAC). Customer acquisition cost (CAC) is the amount of money you spend to acquire a new customer, which is calculated by dividing the total marketing and sales costs by the number of new customers. CAC is one of the main indicators of your SaaS website’s SEO efficiency and effectiveness, and one of the main factors that affect your SaaS website’s profitability and sustainability. You should aim to lower your CAC by reducing your dependence on paid ads, which can be expensive and volatile, and by increasing your organic traffic and conversions, which can be more relevant and engaged.